There´s so much fun in sharing and so with great honor , I introduce you these uniquely real people.
Barcelona Based Treasures

I secretly consider myself the grandmother of Avalon , so excuse my biased perspective.
I can assure you that what Alejandro holds together is a priceless lesson of integrity.

Best food, best location, best hosts, best practirces, best team. You get the point, just put ¨best¨in front of everything you can think of when having BCN in mind.

Saying that this man has hands of gold doesn´t do justice to his massages and the awareness he shares through them. This is one of those things you just have to go for it.

If finding your edge is what you´re looking for, Morgan is the teacher, Amara is the place.Remember, only by finding your edge, you can chnage your story.

Stay tuned for the newest hot sport of BCN. What these two ladies are bringing together is pure magic, alchemy at its best.

Breathing is easier when someone like Paul holds the count. Firm yet lovinginly guiding you back into your body and a sense of ease.

Heartfull Law
Life is not about denying it´s current structures. Law can be holistic and somehow fun if seen in a playful manner. So choose a lawyer that is impecable from head to toes.

Your guide towards identifying and honoring your masculine energy. A fresh , healthy perspective for For both Men and Wemen.

We all know perspective is gold and it can light us up or weight us down. The one behind the lense matters.